ERP Modernisation and S/4HANA Roadmapping Blog

How to use changes to Bill of Materials (BOM) in your S/4 your Business Case

Written by Ross Barnes-Moore | Sep 14, 2022 3:08:29 PM

Visualizing SAP PP Bill of Materials (BOM) In S/4HANA with NetworkGraph


New to S/4 HANA is the ability to visualize Bill of Materials (BOM) and BOM usage in NetworkGraph.

This lets you view the full list of parts materials needed to manufacture a product from start to finish. You can also look at how the parts are viewed by different areas, such as sales and operations.


Key changes to S/4HANA PP BOM functionality


Viewing your BOM in NetworkGraph instead of a spreadsheet means that your BOM team receives a clearer view of your master data. This lets the BOM team highlight how your BOM is used, for example the relationships between people, transactions, accounts and more.

In NetworkGraph it’s also simpler to update data sources as they evolve over time which will help to match advances in materials and supply chain for your products.


Typical use case for BOM NetworkGraph in SAP S/4HANA


Picture yourself as a car manufacturer responsible for creating and tracking millions of pieces of equipment per year ranging from hubcaps to lithium ion batteries .

On top of tracking the part itself you need the relevant information that goes along with it. Materials, cost and expected lifespan all need cataloging. Managing this level of data alone is difficult, making it appear user friendly is even harder.

Having the BOM mapped out in NetworkGraph enables a quick and easy way to store, visualize and explore the data, compared to previous BOM storage solutions.


Using SAP PP BOM functionality in your SAP S/4HANA business case


S/4HANA’s changes to SAP PP and BOM provide an upgraded format for ordering and budgeting that will give you a more complete cost estimate in a shorter amount of time than previous systems.

With everything mapped out in the NetworkGraph you will see data in more detail than before, giving you the opportunity to notice key data that would’ve been missed in the past.

In S/4HANA you now have clearer data that will provide a more detailed analysis of your upstream and downstream. Answers are immediate and as a result the parts delivery becomes more accurate and order turnaround will be much faster.


Build your SAP S/4HANA business case with FusionGraph


We discovered this new S/4HANA functionality in FusionGraph - the visual ERP roadmapping tool. 

Find out how to uncover new S/4 functionality and build your S/4HANA migration business case with FusionGraph by clicking the link below.