ERP Modernisation and S/4HANA Roadmapping Blog

What you need to know about dangerous goods in sales for your S/4HANA business case

Written by Ross Barnes-Moore | Sep 14, 2022 10:45:34 AM

Managing SAP EHS SUS Dangerous Goods in Sales in S/4HANA


New to S/4HANA is the ability to manage the status of dangerous goods in both sales orders and product delivery. Dangerous goods descriptions are now printed on both the delivery notes and sales order confirmations.

Common examples of dangerous goods include explosives, flammable liquids, and gases. 


Key Changes in S/4HANA Dangerous Goods in Sales Functionality


Automating the classifications of dangerous goods by enhancing the classification process is one of the key changes made in S/4HANA. If a product has been marked as a dangerous product in the product master then the system checks that all the necessary data is available.

After the check is completed the system makes a decision regarding if the transportation of the product is allowed, forbidden, or restricted. This decision will then result in the system blocking or allowing the further processing of the sales document.


Typical use cases for Dangerous Goods in Sales in SAP and S/4HANA


In chemical production for each product added to a sales order, you must verify if the product is classified as a dangerous good. If it is, you must check if the product can be safely transported.

In the case that a product is not classified or is not safe to transport the check will result in a sales order block. The status of the block will be determined by regulations applicable between the departure and arrival country.

Once blocked the delivery date and confirmed quantity is removed from the item output and this information is replaced by a message stating further action is required.

If a dangerous goods assessment has not been completed a request to the appropriate dangerous goods specialist is automatically created. This will save time where an employee would manually have to contact the relevant dangerous goods specialists.


Using SAP S/4HANA Dangerous Goods in Sales Functionality in your S/4 business case


S/4HANA’s changes to SAP EHS SUS and Dangerous Goods provide an upgraded format for reducing the compliance risks by integrating up-to-date information into the value chain. This will save your business time tracking down the newest version of the information in case it has not been updated.

The integration of dangerous goods checks into both the selling and delivery process ensures that both outbound and inbound shipments are inspected, increasing the level of compliance on both ends in terms of labelling and packaging.

The informing of dangerous goods specialists about transportation requirements in new countries will prevent fines to your business caused by sales and delivery not cooperating with regulations. 


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